2021 USA Pickleball Rule Changes

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LINK TO 2021 Change Document (81 pages of explanations)

Here is the listing of the 125 Rule Changes and what rule number they relate to. Happy Reading.

Section 2: Court and Equipment

#1: 2.A.4. Wheelchair Playing Surface Dimensions
#2: 2.E.2. Paddle Hitting Surface
#3: 2.E.5.c. Paddle Markings

Section 3: Definitions

#4:  3.A.2. Coaching
#5:  3.A.9. Ejection
#6:  3.A.10. Expel
#7:  3.A.13. Forfeit
#8:  3.A.15. Hinder
Scenario A: Server drops ball; rolls under bleachers
Scenario B: Players stops to avoid collision with adjacent team
Scenario C: Player stops to avoid a collision, referee claims no hinder
Scenario D: No official, players agree cracked ball impacted rally

#9:  3.A.16. Imaginary Extension
#10: 3.A.19. Live Ball/In Play
#11: 3.A.20. Momentum
#12: 3.A.21. Non-Volley Zone (NVZ)
Scenario: Player steps in opponent NVZ after ball is dead

#13: 3.A.25. Plane of the Net

#14: 3.A.20. Retirement
#15: 3.A.40. Technical Foul
#16: 3.A.44. Profanity
#17: 3.A.45. Verbal Warning
#18: 3.A.46. Third Shot
#19: 3.A.47. Wheelchair Player

Section 4: Serve, Service Sequence, and Scoring Rules

#20: 4.A.1. Entire Score Called
Scenario A: Serve occurs in middle of referee’s score call
Scenario B: Serve occurs before start of score call

#21: 4.A.2. Feet Placement at Serve
#22: 4.A.5. Serve Contact Not Above Waist
#23: 4.A.6. Serve Placement (No “Let” Serves)
#24: 4.A.8. Provisional Drop Serve
#25: 4.A.8.a. Drop Serve Release

Scenario A: Referee sees release; receiver does not see release
Scenario B: Server switches serve styles
Scenario C: Server lets ball bounce twice before serving

#26: 4.A.8.b. Drop Serve cannot be propelled downward
#27: 4.A.10.c. Drop Serve forehand or backhand; no restrictions
#28: 4.B.9. Serving team can ask position questions
Scenario A: Server asks question; ref calls time; server serves; no fault
Scenario B: Server’s partner asks question after service motion started

#29: 4.B.10. Receiving team can ask position questions
Scenario: Receiver’s partner asks question just before serve occurs

#30: 4.B.11. Incorrect Player or Position faults
Scenario A: Wrong server serves from wrong position; ref notes both faults
Scenario B: Wrong server/receiver; ref faults server; no mention of receiver
Scenario C: Wrong server/receiver; faults server only after return of serve

#31: 4.B.12. Incorrect Player/Position corrected after rally, game, or match
Scenario A: Corrected error before game 2 starts
Scenario B: Corrected error after match has ended

#32: 4.D.2. Server’s partner calls score
Scenario: Server inadvertently calls score when partner has been otherwise

#33: 4.E.2. Serving team changes serving courts
Scenario: Server serves during court change repositioning; no fault

#34: 4.K. Wrong score called before Third Shot occurs
Scenario: Wrong score called, return goes into net, no fault

#35: 4.K.2. Challenging score call after serve and before Third Shot
Scenario A: Ref calls wrong score; receiver stops play after return
Scenario B: After serve, ref ignores question by receiver’s partner

#36: 4.K.3. Player stops play after Third Shot to challenge score call
Scenario A: Receiver challenges wrong score call after Third Shot
Scenario B: Player stops play after Third Shot

#37: 4.M.3. Served ball touches permanent object before hitting ground
#38: 4.M.5. Served ball lands on NVZ
#39: 4.M.10. Serving team calls time-out after serve occurs
#40: 4.M.11. Server fault for serving during score call
Scenario A: Server faults for serving during score call
Scenario B: Server serves before score call starts; no fault

#41: 4.N.3. Receiving team calls time-out after serve occurs

Section 5: Service and End Selection

#42: 5.A.1. Choosing serve, receive, side or defer
#43: 5.A.2. Changing starting servers
Scenario A: Team changes servers and band; game starts; no fault
Scenario B: Team notifies about change; forgets and “no-band” serves
Scenario C: Referee notices change, inquires and notates accordingly

#44: 5.B.6. Mid-game end change with coaching allowed
#45: 5.B.7. Technical Foul no impact on end change
Scenario A: 6th point end change; T.F. committed; end change remains
Scenario B: T.F. committed, no server position change, ref calls fault

Section 6: Line Call Rules

#46: 6.D.1. Player makes initial line call; asks opponent’s opinion
Scenario A: Player makes call, asks opponent then ref; player’s call stands
Scenario B: Player makes call; asks opponent’s opinion; opponent call stands Scenario C: Player makes call, asks opponent then ref; opponent call stands
Scenario D: Player makes call, asks opponent then ref, ref’s call stands

#47: 6.D.3. No initial player call then appeal to the referee
Scenario: No call; appeal to referee, then opponent; no clear call; ball is in

#48: 6.D.5. Appeal of line calls before next serve occurs
#49: 6.D.6. Player asks opponent’s opinion on a line call
Scenario A: Opponent’s opinion call is “in”; ref did not see; ball is “in”
Scenario B: Opponent’s opinion call is “in”; ref calls “out”; ball is “out”

#50: 6.D.7. Calling balls “in” or “out”
Scenario A: Team sees a space between ball/line
Scenario B: Team not certain of ball being “out”; plays ball

#51: 6.D.8. Calling balls out promptly (“let” wording removed)
#52: 6.D.10. “Out” calls signaled by voice and/or hand signals
#53: 6.D.13. Player overrule of opponent, partner, or officiating team
Scenario: Player overrules referee’s “in” call as “out”

Section 7: Fault Rules

#54: 7.B. Hitting ball into net on player’s side of net; dead ball when hits ground  Scenario A: Ball spins on top of net; opponent crosses plane; fault called
Scenario B: Ball spins on top of net; opponent touches net; fault called

#55: 7.G. Touching the net/net system/opponent’s court while ball is live
#56: 7.H. Ball contacting player other than paddle hand(s)
Scenario: Player’s hands are loosely touching paddle when hit

#57: 7.N. Illegal carry after serve (allowing “sling” serve)
#58: 7.O. Hinder called by player (“let” wording removed)

Section 8: Dead Ball Rules

#59: 8.B. Faults called and committed
Scenario: Ball hits player; hitter touches net; ref calls fault

#60: 8.D. Ball hitting permanent object after bouncing in opponent’s court
#61: 8.E. Faults can only be committed during live ball (NVZ exception)
Scenario A: Player serves during re-positioning; no fault called
Scenario B: Server serves before start of score call; no fault called

Section 9: Non-Volley Zone Rules

#62: 9.C. Volleying player contacts anything touching the NVZ

Section 10: Time-Out Rules

#63: 10.A.3. Calling time-outs before the serve occurs
Scenario: Referee hears the “T” sound of time-out before the serve

#64: 10.A.4. No penalty for calling time-outs when none remain
Scenario A: Team calls time-out with none remaining
Scenario B: Incorrect receiver calls T.O; changes receiver; no fault

#65: 10.B.3.c. One player-requested medical time-out per match
Scenario: Referee generated M.T.O. not charged to player

#66: 10.C. Continuous play and breaks in-between rallies
Scenario A: Referee allows quick drinks; gets players back quickly
Scenario B: Ref allows break; players delay; ref calls score

#67: 10.E.1. Players take time-outs in-between games
Scenario A: Team uses 1 of 2 T.O.’s between games
Scenario B: Rec. team does not return; T.O’s expire, ref starts game
Scenario C: Srv. team does not return; T.O.’s expire, ref starts game

#68: 10.H.1. No time-outs (medical or regular) taken before match start
Scenario: Player calls T.O. immediately after match starts

Section 11: Other Rules

#69: 11.A. Double hits allowed before serve
#70: 11.E. Broken/cracked ball impacting rally
Scenario A: Ref calls score; team checks ball; 10-sec expires; fault called
Scenario B: Ref calls score; team asks ref to check ball; no fault called

#71: 11.I. Plane of the net fault while ball is in play
Scenario A: Player crosses plane, hits next shot before getting back over
Scenario B: Player crosses plane, takes time to get back across

#72: 11.I.1. Ball must travel back over plane of net before crossing
Scenario: Player legally crossing plane contacts opponent; fault called

#73: 11.K. Player contacting net post/system commits fault
#74: 11.L.4. Ball bouncing back over net must bounce twice to become dead
#75: 11.L.5.a. Fault for ball hitting horizontal bar/base before going over net
#76: 11.L.5.b. Replay for ball bouncing on court and hitting horizontal bar/base
#77: 11.N. Fault for player using more than one paddle
#78: 11.O. Fault for player not having possession of paddle when ball is hit

Section 13: Tournament Management and Officiating

#79: 13.A.1. Players may appeal any referee ruling/decision to T.D
#80: 13.B. Tournament briefing from TD to players
#81: 13.B.1. Rule exemptions request
#82: 13.C. Referee duties and player appeals
#83: 13.C.2. Player overrule of officiating team
#84: 13.C.4.b. Referee noting non-standard court conditions
#85: 13.C.5.h. Allowance for the new game forfeit
#86: 13.D.1.c. Players calling actual faults on themselves
Scenario A: Player informs ref of fault before next serve occurs
Scenario B: Player calling “ghost” fault; ref calls no fault

#87: 13.D.3.b. Players can overrule referee call
#88: 13.D.3.c. Replay if officiating team cannot render line call
#89: 13.E.1. TD determines if line judges are used
#90: 13.E.2. Line judges call service foot faults and line faults
#91: 13.E.3. Referee can immediately canvass all LJ’s for blocked signal
#92: 13.E.4. Replay for referee overrule of LJ “out” call
Scenario: Referee overrules LJ “out” call; calls for replay; no exceptions

#93: 13.E.5. Player overrule LJ “out” call as “in”, replay occurs
#94: 13.F.1. No LJ’s; ref cannot rule; initial call stands; no call is “in”
#95: 13.G.1. Verbal warning for profanity
Scenario: Referee issues verbal warning for profanity

#96: 13.G.1.a. Removal of “demeaning” from original rule
#97: 13.G.1.b. Visible gestures technical warning
#98: 13.G.1.c. Excessive arguing expanded
#99: 13.G.1.d. Ball abuse technical warning expanded
#100: 13.G.1.e. Delay of game simplified
#101: 13.G.1.f. Unnecessary appeals simplified
#102: 13.G.1.i. Technical warnings for paddle issues allowed
Scenario: Player tosses paddle; gets technical warning

#103: 13.G.1.j. Coaching when not allowed
#104: 13.G.2. Technical Foul point deduction
Scenario: T.F. after end change; end change remains in place

#105: 13.G.2.a. Paddle throwing expanded
#106: 13.G.2.b. Extremely objectionable language expanded
#107: 13.G.2.c. Threats or challenges expanded
#108: 13.G.2.g. Throwing/hitting ball expanded
#109: 13.G.3.c. Technical Foul point deducted
#110: 13.H.1. Insertion of a game forfeit for “3 Strikes”
Scenario A: Team gets forfeit or 1 TW and 1 TF
Scenario B: Team wins game 1/forfeits game 2; scoring guidelines

#111: 13.H.1.c. Games to 15 or 21 forfeit, same as match forfeit
#112: 13.H.2. Game forfeit 10-minutes; match forfeit 15-minutes
#113: 13.I.1.a. 2 TW’s plus a TF equals match forfeit (“4 Strikes”)
Scenario: Team gets 2 TW’s and 1 TF during match; match if forfeited

#114: 13.I.1.b. 2 Technical fouls equals match forfeit
#115: 13.I.2. Behavior resulting in match forfeits section
#116: 13.I.2.a. Making physical contact with opponent or official
#117: 13.I.2.b. Throwing paddle match forfeit guidelines
#118: 13.J. Rules interpretations and player allowed challenges
#119: 13.K. Line judge removal guidelines
#120: 13.K.1. Referee removal guidelines
#121: 13.M. TD player ejection guidelines
#122: 13.M.1. Slurs related to ejections
#123: 13.M.2. Injury to player, official, spectator due to paddle abuse
#124: 13.M.3. Spitting or coughing ejections
#125: 13.M.4. Players not exhibiting “best effort”

If you are reading this, then good job – you made it all the way through the 125 2021 pickleball rule changes, phew! These edits are definitely a long way away from Barney McCallum’s 1972 one-page pickleball rules.

Here’s some trivia for you… Can you guess how many rule changes there were in 2020?  Here’s the link

Answer: 94!

Source: All Pickleball
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