2024 Official NPL™ National Pickleball League™ Championship - Introduction Oceanside, NY XPO Established in 2022, the NPL™ is the first Pickleball League for ALL AGES, ALL SKILL LEVELS, NATION-WIDE. Official NPL gives pickleball players an opportunity to MAKE YOUR REC GAMES COUNT! Stay up to date on all things NPL™ at USA-NPL.com and our Official NPL Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/officialnpl The Official NPL - National Pickleball League™ Make Your Rec Games Count. Join the NPL and PLAY. The Fastest Growing League in the Fastest Growing Sport in America! NPL is an Open Format League for ALL Pickleball players across the whole United States. A League unlike any other. Make Your Rec Games Count! NPL™ is an Open Format League for ALL Pickleball players. Anyone can join. All ages. All skill levels. Play as many games as you want. We record your individual stats. 2 Divisions to join. Singles or Doubles (Or join both). Singles/Doubles Division: Play with as many partners (or opponents) as you wish. Play your own games at your own convenience. During the NPL™ Season, any rated NPL™ member can play with/against any other rated NPL™ member. The more games you play, the better your chances to qualify for State/Regional Finals and onto the National Pickleball League™ Championship. At the end of the season, the top-ranking players (divided by state, rating, gender, age) qualify for their State/Regional Tournament. Winners of the State/Regional Tournaments move onto our National Championship. Register now for the 2025 NPL™ Season. April 2025 - September 2025 ONE OPTIONAL FEE covers the whole season (including Playoffs and National Tournament). No added hidden fees. Contact us about becoming an NPL™ Regional Ambassador. LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for one Single Use for this Registered Project. Item Title: Sport Rock Cinematic Trailer Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/sport-rock-cinematic-trailer-S3M3LH9 Item ID: S3M3LH9 Author Username: kornevmusic Licensee: Gordon Gebert Registered Project Name: National Pickleball League License Date: November 21st, 2024 Item License Code: Y9HQKJBU63 The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends). For any queries related to this document or license please contact Envato Support via https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258) PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia ==== THIS IS NOT A TAX RECEIPT OR INVOICE ==== Source: NPL National Pickleball League
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