The United Pickleball Association (UPA) just published the results of onsite paddle testing at the most recent PPA event.
Of the 701 paddles tested at the tournament, just four failed.
Results from paddle testing at @PPAtour Mesa have been posted.
Out of 701 paddles tested, only 4 paddles failed.
A failed paddle challenge caught all the paddle-related headlines during the Carvana PPA Mesa Cup in February, but on the other end of that spectrum, 99.6% of paddles that were actually tested passed, according to the third-party organization that conducts them, Pro Pickle Labs.
A Paddle Challenge, a Failed Test Result — Now, a Possible Rule Change for Pro Pickleball
Travis Rettenmaier challenged Liz Truluck’s paddle during their matchup in Mesa. Now the results are in -- and a possible rule change is in the works.
The Dink PickleballAlex E. Weaver
Of the 701 paddles tested, there were 52 models from 23 distinct manufacturers.

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