Have you met CHUCK yet?

Thedink Pickleball 1 year ago 163 views
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GAMMA has hit the ground running in 2024 with a whole new lineup of pickleball gear. New versions of the Obsidion paddle are available at 10, 13, and 16mm options.

The new RCF AirBender is also attracting attention putting new technology on display. It's clear the R&D department at GAMMA has been busy.

Another new release in 2024 is the brand-new CHUCK pickleball from GAMMA. CHUCK is an outdoor ball with 38 holes compared to the traditional 40.

It is the only completely symmetrical ball on the market offering "a true flight experience."

The CHUCK is advertised to have been tested at extreme temperatures to ensure top performance in any condition.

As most of you know problems arise at both ends of the thermometer when it comes to pickleballs. If cold weather they have a proclivity to crack and become unusable.

In high heat, pickleballs soften. They slow down dramatically compared to a ball played at room temperature.

On the Court

It is always exciting to break out a new ball on the court. The concept of the perfect ball does not exist yet so each new ball tested is another shot at improvement.

After finishing a game with a worn-down ball from another brand I was able to mix the CHUCK into some open-play matches. The first thing you notice when switching to the CHUCK is speed.

The speed of play increased dramatically after changing the ball. Drives became a better weapon on offense. Aggressive serves became an easy way to win a point.

Everybody on the court had to react to how fast the CHUCK ball played. One player in particular was a former tennis player that used a lot of topspin. On his shots in particular you could really see an improvement in the ball movement.

His drives were moving like a Randy Johnson curveball. They dropped from 12 to 6 as the ball burned through the court. This made the drive even more effective and the game more exciting.

The only knock came after a few games when the ball appeared to be out of round. It is a common problem in the world of pickleball as the ball wears off its original sheen over a few games.

After the sheen is completely worn the ball can return to a perfect round shape but some players elect to take the ball out of play before that point.

Where it Ranks

The CHUCK is a great option for the competitive and recreational player. It is one of the faster balls on the market and makes for exciting games.

Most other balls will feel slow after playing with the CHUCK. You will likely feel a hand speed boost if you switch from the CHUCK to another ball.

After hours of hard hitting the CHUCK survived without a crack. One of the balls did go out of round which is common in the current market.

If you like to play with spin then this ball will be a huge benefit to your game. Your topspin and slice will have even more action than you're used to seeing. Overall it is a fun ball to play with and should be considered for filling your hopper.

Source: Thedink Pickleball
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