How to Hit a Backhand Flick in 4min 55scnds

All Things Pickleball 12 hours ago 4 views
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Today we are going over how to hit the Backhand flick in less than 5 minutes: 00:12 - Which balls you can hit a backhand flick on Discussion about balls at or around net height Not trying to hit balls at shoelace level unless you're Ben Johns Focus on balls at or slightly above net height 00:48 - This is the best body position to hit the backhand flick | Plus proper paddle technique Bend your knees to see the bottom half of the ball Start with knuckles facing down, wrist cocked, paddle tip down Use a small windshield wiper wrist motion upward Ensure forward momentum through the shot Paddle face should be closed (paddle tip behind wrist) 01:30 - Follow-through variations: Compact, short follow-through for kitchen line dinking Bigger follow-through for put-away shots or when opponents are at baseline 02:15 - How to practice and drill the backhand flick Line up with a partner across the kitchen One person practices flicking while the other blocks and dinks 02:30 - How to Improve your backhand flick Be ready for the next shot as the flick often sets up the winner Reload quickly after the flick The flick takes time away from opponents by not letting the ball bounce 02:50 - Common mistake to avoid on the backhand flick Collapsing your chest downward and overreaching Let the ball enter your "bubble" space before flicking 03:10 - Bonus tip inspired by Ben Johns: When cross-court dinking, prepare early with paddle face closed in cocked position This allows you to either take the dink out of the air with a flick or adjust to a slice ______________________________ FREE DINKING MASTER CLASS SERIES: ______________________________________ GET DISCOUNTS ON GEAR, PADDLES & PICKLEBALL APPAREL BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW!  My Discount Page: ______________________________ MY GO TO PRODUCTS My Paddle: Selkirk Labs Project 008 (Use INF-ALLTHINGSPB for a loaded e-giftcard sent to your e-mail after purchase) My Pickleball Bag: Selkirk Tour Bag (Regal) (Use code: INF-ALLTHINGSPB at checkout for gift card credit towards your next Selkirk purchase!) ______________________________________ DISCOUNT CODES SELKIRK Use code: INF-ALLTHINGSPB at checkout for gift card credit towards your next Selkirk purchase! STACK ATHLETICS APPAREL Use Code: ALLTHINGSPB at checkout for 15% off your entire purchase! JIGSAW HEALTH $10.00 off your order by using code: ALLTHINGSPB10 _______________________________________________ FIND ME ON MY SOCIALS Instagram: @allthingspickleball TikTok: @allthingspickleball For Collaborations Email: [email protected] Source: All Things Pickleball
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