Keys to a Great Backhand Return & Avoiding the Trap

Pickleball Portal 4 months ago 65 views
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Top 5 pro player James Ignatowich

Hey guys, this is James Ignatowich, and today I’m going to explain how to hit a good backhand return.

Importance of a Wide Base

One thing that’s very important when you’re hitting a good backhand return is to have a wide base. People naturally get more topspin on their forehand than on their backhand. For that reason, you actually have to bend your knees more on the backhand. Some people agree with me, some people don’t – that’s fine. Just try it at least.


When you’re hitting a backhand return, you want to establish a wide base and get low when you hit this shot. Another crucial point is positioning. If the ball bounces deep – if they hit a hard, deep serve at you – you should move back so you can get your momentum moving forward when you hit that shot. A great source of power in your return comes from the fact that you’re already moving forward as you make contact.

Moving While Hitting the Return

That brings me to another point: you’re not stopping and hitting when you hit the return. On almost any shot in pickleball, you want to be still when you make contact. That means a lot coming from me, as I’m someone who just bounces up and down the entire game – I get that. But the one shot you should not be still for is the return. You need to get up to the kitchen as fast as possible; you don’t want to get caught in the transition zone when hitting a fourth shot.

Positioning and Balance

If someone hits a serve to me, I’m going to get wide with my legs and hit it while moving forward. That’s another reason why having a wide base is so important on the return – you need to be balanced and already moving forward when you hit the shot (Figure 1), rather than standing still. If your legs are too close together, it will be really tough to maintain balance while moving forward. So, balance is super important on this shot.

(Figure 1)


To hit a good backhand return, make a wide base, get low, and move forward as quickly as you can. That’s what makes for a strong, effective return.

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Source: Pickleball Portal
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