Kitchen Line Warfare: The Effective Volley Gameplan

Pickleball Portal 5 months ago 103 views
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Frank Anthony Davis (Picture Kerry Pittenger)

The volley is one of the most fun shots in pickleball. You do all the work to get into position at the kitchen line and then you get rewarded with a high ball. You get to attack it out of the air and either put pressure on your opponents or hit a clean winner. One of the least fun things, however, is getting into that perfect position, forcing an error with a great dink, and then botching the volley. So, let’s dive into the basic techniques and strategies that can make your volley the weapon it should be.

Proper Paddle Positioning

When volleying, it’s crucial to have your paddle in a good ready position. Think of your paddle as a shield—you wouldn’t carry your shield awkwardly or too low. You need to have it up and ready for when the ball comes at you (Figure 1).

(Figure 1) View Selkirk Paddle at JustPaddles

For backhand volleys, the paddle should be squared. This requires turning your shoulder slightly and bowing your wrist. Once squared, you can punch the ball (Figure 2).

(Figure 2) View Gearbox GX Paddle at JustPaddles

To punch in a different direction, just turn a bit more and execute the punch.

On the forehand side, the tendency for many players is to turn and pull the paddle back too far. When this happens, you lose sight of the ball. The key is to keep the paddle forward, volleying in front of your body and the kitchen line (Figure 3).

Figure 3

This way, you can control the pace and aim perfectly. Keeping your paddle in front also helps you reset quickly and be ready for the next shot.

Fast Exchanges at the Kitchen Line

In fast-paced kitchen exchanges, there may not always be time to get into textbook form. Still, keeping your paddle out in front and driving the ball low and forcefully will give you the best chance to stay in control. Moving your opponent around with controlled shots is key. By doing so, you can handle balls hit in various directions until you finally get one to put away.

The Volley Pop Technique

There’s a variation of the volley called the “volley pop.” This hybrid between a volley and an overhead happens when the ball comes at you higher than usual. With minimal backswing and maximum power, the goal is to put the ball away.

To do this, keep the paddle in front, point your non-paddle hand for shoulder alignment, and make sharp contact (Figure 4). Drive the ball down toward your opponent’s feet if they are close to the net, or send it deep if they are further back.

Figure 4

To keep your paddle in the ideal position, footwork is essential. Use a “step-slide” technique to adjust to balls hit away from your center (Figure 5).This keeps the paddle in front of your chest, allowing you to pop the ball with power, similar to a punch. Staying light on your feet will give you the flexibility to execute these shots effectively.

(Figure 5) View Gearbox GX Paddle at JustPaddles

Handling Low Balls with the Volley Pop

The volley pop can even work on low balls. Instead of contorting your body awkwardly, use your legs to get lower while maintaining control and power. Adding this shot to your arsenal will reduce mistakes and help you put balls away more easily.

Battling Baseline Bangers

When your opponent drives the ball at you from the baseline, don’t fear the power shot. You have time to step, slide, and punch the volley deep into the court. Compact, aggressive punch volleys will keep your opponent back and on the defensive.

Developing an Aggressive Mindset

To dominate at the kitchen line, you need an aggressive mindset. Your first thought should be: “Give me the ball.” When you receive a ball at waist level or higher, it’s not dink time, it’s go time. The volley pop is a perfect way to punish a dink that floats too high. Stay low and ready to pounce with a compact stroke down the middle—this shot is almost impossible to return.

To Wrap Things Up

The volley game is incredibly fun when you can keep your opponent back or outplay them at the kitchen line. Putting away high balls with controlled power is a rewarding experience. A well-placed volley is the key to success, especially when you’ve worked hard to get into position or out-dink your opponent.

When you’re volleying effectively, you’ll hit more winners, enjoy the game more, and dominate at the net. That’s the key to winning in pickleball.

See you here next week! If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.

Source: Pickleball Portal
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