From Southwest Florida, 4 MXD teams, 16 Players - Special thanks to Gary Wilson Mike Nelson/Chris Molandro vs Carla Chavez Rally score to 15, must serve to win 6 games per team per round Teams: RAT B'S; Gary Wilson, Susi Ruettimann, Cindy Mitze, Rob Jamros RESPONSIBLE DINKERS; John Morando, Dolores Nigro-Marando, Nick Hubbard, Jen Hubbard THIRD SHOT LOBBERS; Ron "Spaghettiman" Fiedel, Chris Molandro, Mike Nelson, Barb Dumont VAMOS; Carla Chavez, Paul Reis, Sally Lutz, Tom Butler Sally Lutz is sponsored by John Morando is sponsored by Rich Cat Supply Gear; Ron "Spaghettiman Fiedel" is a rep for - Take 20% off using code "20FIEDEL" Look for more matches to come Source: Ron "Spaghettiman Pickleball" Fiedel
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