My Selkirk Story and Review

Pickleball Portal 1 year ago 157 views
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Selkirk evo control

When I started playing recreational pickleball about two years ago, I was using a no-name-brand paddle, no problems. After a while, though, I thought it would be fun to take my time and look around at other brands. With so many on the market, online and in stores, my plan was to keep both my search and my requirements simple.

From the store shelf hung many paddles–different makes, different designs, different specifications, different enticements.  I held each of them in my hand, trying to “feel” them: how they fit in my palm, how the handle felt, the weight of the paddle, the ease of movement (and swing) from different paddle positions, so on and so forth.  Any other details were unimportant–except for paddle face and color. This may sound silly, but I wanted a design that fit my personality a little.  Because I liked the colors and the handle, I chose the Selkirk, an EVO Control 2.0 16MM Carbon Fiber XL Blue.  The price being more than I was prepared to spend, a hundred dollars, I shopped around and found a new one on Ebay for $30.00 off, a sizable discount.

Selkirk evo paddle(Picture David Boyle)

Although I understand Selkirk to be a reputable name, brand names themselves and player endorsements mean zilch to me.  I do not believe the best paddle in the world would make me a superior player. I wish that were not true but I’m a realist.  Same with the pickleball itself–brand names don’t sway me.

(Picture David Boyle)
(Picture David Boyle)

So, has the Selkirk made my recreational game any better? Well, I cannot say for sure. What I am saying, though, in fairness, is that at the rec. level my game is not developed or advanced enough to give a persuasive answer. There has been no decline–that much is true, and significant.   You see, I play my own way, always trying new things match after match, taking pleasure in learning what I can from watching the pros, any one of whom, blindfolded, would destroy me using the cheapest paddle. No question about that!With a Selkirk every shot I make has sufficient power, precision, accuracy, and smoothness, and to me that matters more than I can articulate. Also, the Selkirk’s stunning look catches the eye (players always comment on it in recreational paddle line-ups), the handle fits in my hand just right, and all shots spring off as they should. No drawbacks, no flaws in design or construction, not one aspect to dislike. For these reasons above others, the Selkirk paddle has been a wise choice. I’m happy and fortunate to own one and I believe other players would appreciate its design, adaptability, and reliability.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Let me know in the comments below! Oh, and you can check out Dan’s thoughts about the paddle here.

David Boyle

A versatile and diversified writer, David Boyle has written three short story collections, published by independent presses. Though he earned his readership by writing reality-based fiction, Boyle has gained a reputation for literary stories, essays, articles, reviews, interviews, analyses, travel writing, reportage, and poems, a good number of which have appeared in both print and online magazines. Inspired by his wife’s passion for the sport, David now loves pickleball and aims to illuminate current pickleball events and subjects with a fresh, creative perspective, offering readers something they can’t find anywhere else. | My website | [email protected] | My Pickleball Journal

Source: Pickleball Portal
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