Pickleball lesson with 6.4 DUPR rated MLP Champion, Noe Khlif. He covers dinking, slice, spin, backhand speed up, two handed backhand attack, backhand flick, and backhand crosscourt dink. The podcast episode will be out shortly. Noe's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noekhlifpickleball/ Noe's coaching: https://link.captivationhub.com/widget/form/3iCsavPSBv7jvHFdimqr?notrack=true SPONSOR: - Vuori discount: https://vuori.com/buildingpickleball Not only will you receive 20% off your first purchase, but free shipping on any U.S. orders over $75 and free returns. Go to vuori.com/buildingpickleball and discover the versatility of Vuori Clothing Chapters 00:00 intro 01:33 their arrival 02:49 what we'll be covering, pep talk 05:15 starting with dinking 09:05 mixing in volleys 11:48 what bad body positioning looks like during dinking 12:06 when to hit a slice dink 12:30 when to add spin on a dink 12:53 explaining hayden and gabe's dinking style 13:41 next lesson: backhand speed up 14:44 correcting the 2 handed backhand attack 16:53 now he's countering 17:28 explaining backhand flick 17:48 backhand crosscourt dink 19:48 bonus #pickleball #pickleballskills 👤 CONTACT: Sponsorship, ad space: [email protected] 📸 Follow me on Instagram: @buildingpickleball 📝 Subscribe to my newsletter: https://buildingpb.beehiiv.com/subscribe ☕️ Contributions: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/buildingpickleball 📸 Pickleball photos: pickleballstockimages.com 💲DISCOUNT CODES 💲 (using these helps support the channel) • Vuori: 20% discount applied at checkouthttps://vuoriclothing.com/buildingpickleball • CRBN: BP10 https://crbnpickleball.com/ • SixZero: BD10 https://www.sixzeropickleball.com/ • UDrippin: BP https://www.udrippin.com/ • Selkirk: INF-BP https://www.selkirk.com/ • Versix: BUILDINGPB https://versixpickleball.com/ • Vatic Pro: BP-10 https://vaticpro.com/ • Pickleball Superstore: BP Use this URL: https://pickleballsuperstore.com/discount/BP • Pickleball Central: BUILDINGPB https://pickleballcentral.com/?rfsn=8045502.f023a6 • JOOLA: BP10 http://bit.ly/3XnXQOR • BreadNButter: BP https://www.bnbpickleball.com/ • Honolulu Pickleball: BRIANLIM https://808pickle.com/brianlim5339220 • Leorever: BP https://leorever.com/ • Storyi: BRIANLIM https://www.ourstoryi.com/discount/BRIANLIM?ref=qrxsjmbk • Maverix: BuildingPB https://www.maverixpickleball.com • Sisu Plunge: BuildingPickleball150 https://sisuplunges.com/?sca_ref=6713703.keRkQ7RmdNDc Looking for a moving company in Austin? Check out https://heavenlymove.com/ Looking for art? Check out https://millennialcollectivestore.com/ 📲 FOLLOW 📲 • Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5aPtDs5VOnqpbQpF12SLZN • Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/building-pickleball/id1666931896I use Epidemic Sound, sign up for a 30-day free trial here https://share.epidemicsound.com/iro87j Source: Building Pickleball
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